
Win-or-Lose Sam

This is a commission from The Open Eye Theater of Margaretville, NY (http://www.theopeneyetheater.org). The play was presented as part of a children’s drama workshop in the Catskills in July, 2015.  It’s a youth theatre piece, designed to be performed by young actors for family audiences, although adult actors are certainly welcome!  For a perusal copy of the script-in-progress, please contact Uproar Theatrics at http://uproartheatrics.com.

CHARACTERS  (12+, any gender; cast may be expanded as desired)

SAM, a piglet, gentle, upbeat, and unstoppable

JODY, a young goat, SAM’S friend, loyal, no-nonsense

CASEY, a box turtle, another friend, big-hearted, timid; sometimes confides in audience

BOBBIE, another young goat, a strong leader, but self-important

FRANKIE, a donkey, BOBBIE’s pompous assistant


Young farm animals of any fur or feather, enough for two melonball teams: PLAYERS, plus REFEREE(S), and MELON RUNNER(s), as desired.  The exact number of PLAYERS, REFEREES, and MELON RUNNERS is left up to the director.  There may also be a number of FANS, who may be actors or puppets as animals not playing melonball for their own reasons.  Only SAM should remain unchosen even though eager to play. FRANKIE can become a PLAYER, REFEREE, or MELON RUNNER as needed. The following characters are suggestions only.  Any favorite farm animals will do.  ENSEMBLE lines may be assigned as indicated in the script, divided among additional actors for a larger cast or doubled up for a smaller cast.  Creature sounds should be altered appropriately.  Audience members may also become active as FANS, perhaps entering and exiting the stands before and after the games and/or pre-learning SAM’S cheer and joining in at SAM’S invitati.







FANS (optional, real and/or puppet)

TIME:  Melonball season, spring to fall

PLACE:  The Moore Farm.  The melonball field takes up most of the central area, with SAM’S home, a pig pen, to one side downstage and the penalty pen on the opposite side.  Bleachers may be upstage with some of the audience seated among FANS and/or actors playing FANS may sit among the audience.

PLAYING TIME:  About 45 minutes

SUMMARY:  SAM loves the game of melonball, but BOBBIE never chooses the piglet to play.  Undaunted, SAM remains a devoted fan, attending games early and late, rain or shine, win or lose – and never failing to record team statistics on charts kept at home.  The day comes when the Moore Farm melonball team is invited to compete in the prestigious Fruit Bowl, provided they can supply their team data.  Unfortunately, they’ve never kept records.  They don’t even know they have a resident statistician.  “A statis-what?”  Only SAM can save the day!

NOTE:  Melonball is a passion for all of these young animals, so their every-day speech often becomes a rhythmic cheerleading chant.  MUSIC, when called for, can be as simple as a cowbell or drum beat or a single instrument played by one of the actors.  MELONS may be actual melons or balls decorated to look like melons or painted papier mache balls of various sizes.  Their heaviness can be mimed by the actors.  Actors playing FANS enter as games begin and may animate puppets to represent more FANS and/or be joined by audience members.

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