
Plays in Progress

The following scripts are in various states of progress, and I’m looking for developmental opportunities for them — readings, workshops, and full productions.  For additional information, please see the individual page for each play listed, with its link, in the column to the right.  For questions about any of these scripts or a perusal copy, contact me directly at sandyasher@gmail.com.

For young audiences:

JESSE AND GRACE: A BEST FRIENDS STORY.  Co-authored by David L. Harrison, this two-hander versos of the award-winning play published by Dramatic Publishing Company is perfect for on-line and radio presentations.  One male, one female, of any age.  Jesse and Grace are 4th graders who have been Best Friends Forever.  Then Grace writes a poem for Jesse’s birthday, classmates start teasing them about being boyfriend and girlfriend, Jesse throws the poem away — and it’s a long journey back to realizing “A best friend is the very best friend of all.”  To see David Harrison and me read this script on ZOOM, please visit my YouTube channel at https://youtu.be/wiD4avfXCAI.

PRINCESS BEE AND THE ROYAL GOOD-NIGHT STORY, small-cast musical for young audiences and families about a princess whose Mum goes to Goodness-Knows-Where for three whole days and three whole nights, leaving others to tell good-night stories that are simply not good enough – until Bee discovers the power of Mum’s stories within herself.  Music by Richard Biever.  Looking for developmental opportunities and world premiere.  To hear me read the original book, visit my YouTube channel at https://youtu.be/LW2HIjqSTPc.

STELLA’S DANCING DAYS, an interactive one-act for preschool and early elementary audiences, is adapted from my book of the same name.  The script incorporates music, dance, puppetry, and games and involves the audience in the fun.  Cast of 5 actor/dancers, plus puppets.  Stella is a cat who loves to dance.  When the Tall One brings her home to meet the Gentle One, the Littlest One, and the Fuzzy One, all of their lives are joyfully affected.  To hear me read the book, with help from Gracie and Friday, visit my YouTube channel at https://youtu.be/D5ubSYT1Wco.

STUFF: A CURIOUS COLLECTION, a one-act for family audiences with a flexible cast of 6 – 10+ actors, young and/or adult.  The mimed character of STUFF is stuff personified, the bits and pieces of our lives.  STUFF calls to us, teases us, amuses us, troubles and inspires us – and, in so doing, realizes its own potential. In this case, the “us” are five unwitting ONES who discover how shared stories, both real and ridiculous, rekindle creativity and build community.  Commissioned by Adventure Stage Chicago. 

WELCOME HOME, BEAR! is a new script for very young audiences about Bear and Mouse, neighbors with very different lifestyles who learn to be friends.  It requires two actors, any gender, who serve as storyteller/puppeteers.  With adjustments, the same script can be performed in front of individual classrooms or in larger venues.  

WIN-OR-LOSE SAM, a large cast play for young actors about a runt piglet and his devotion to his beloved melonball team, in spite of the fact that he is never chosen to play. Commissioned and given a workshop performance by The Open Eye Theater, Margaretville, NY.  Looking for additional development/production opportunities.

For adult audiences:

DINNER IS NOT SERVED, 10-minute comedy for 1 m, 3 w, developed at a recent Lancaster (PA) 24-Hour Plays event, about a shy couple fumbling toward taking their relationship “to the next level.”

SCRITCH-SCRITCH-SCRITCH-SCRITCH-THONK, 10-minute script for 1 m, 1 w, suitable for stage, radio, or ZOOM.  When a couple’s troubled and troubling daughter brings home a box turtle, the family’s strained dynamic reaches the breaking point.